Video: Webinar on “How to Have Peace in Korea”

Lawyers for Demilitarization and Peace in Korea, the Ubuntuworks Education Project and the National Lawyers Guild organized a webinar on 21 August featuring human rights lawyer Eric Sirotkin on “everything you wanted to know about Korea but that the US government is afraid you’ll ask.” The full video of the webinar is now available for people who were not able to attend.

See video:

The webinar was well-attended and covered a variety of topics, including:

1. History of the conflict, including the US military presence and history in Korea,

2, The current role of the US in Korea and the region;

3. The past efforts at North/South Reconciliation.

4. The new Moon Jae-in administration in Korea and how a progressive lawyer as President is making a difference;

5. Motivations for Instability in the region – Economic, racial and geo-political factors.

6. The legal and political arguments for peace.

7. The history of prior agreements and their breaches;

8. Basic suggestions for moving forward toward a peace treaty, demilitarization and non-proliferation.

9. Coalition building – Expanding the Lawyers for Demilitarization and Peace and Building alliances with South Korean Peace and progressive lawyer groups.

10. Talking Points and Outreach.

Eric Sirotkin is a human rights attorney and author of Witness: A Lawyer’s Journey from Litigation to Liberation that shares many stories on being an active witness int he world rather than a passive vuctim of our circumstances. It presents ways to break down us vs them thinking in our personal relations, work and international relations, including the 12 step model for peace in Korea that he presents in the webinar. Visit

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