
NLG Delegation: International Tribunal of Conscience in Mexico

The National Lawyers Guild is thrilled to announce our Summer International Tribunal of Conscience (ITC) in Guerrero, Mexico, this year holding sessions from August 9 – August 20, 2018!

More than ever, it is crucial to show our solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Mexico in their struggle for self-determination in the face of the North American Free Trade (NAFTA), the Merida Initiative, and Plan Columbia, and now increasing hostility under the Trump regime.

The ITC will cover a variety of themes, and no previous knowledge of Mexican law is required. Past Tribunals and delegations have explored Mexico labor law, family law, criminal defense, economic regulation, and LGBTQ rights. The delegation will primarily be to Guerrero, and will include a session at FES UNAM, in the State of Mexico, to lay the foundation for legal clinics to conduct follow up work to the ITC.

You should be a current member of the National Lawyers Guild to join the ITC.  If not, you may renew your membership or join the NLG here.

For any questions or to request an application, please email jlf499@gmail.com or visit www.internationaltribunalofconscience.org for application and information.  Cost will be between $1,000 and $1,300 depending on how many participants.


Jose Luis Fuentes-Roman

National Lawyers Guild, Task Force on the Americas, Mesoamerica subcommittee

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