
September 24, Webinar: The Repression of Political Dissent in the West — Anti-Colonial & Anti-Zionist Resistance

Tuesday, September 24th – 5pm ET/2 pm PT

  Register here: https://bit.ly/fightrepression

Join the NLG International Committee and Palestine Subcommittee for our upcoming discussion on the rising criminalization of Palestinian Solidarity, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist movements in the West:

Zaid Abdulnasser – former Samidoun member and anti-repression campaigner, Germany

Zaid will speak on the ban in Germany and the extreme level of anti-Palestinian repression in Germany

Charlotte Kates – National Lawyers Guild International, Samidoun, Canada

Charlotte will speak on the Canadian government’s political prosecution, targeting her and the criminalization of Samidoun’s work in Europe. 

Jenipher Jones – NLG Mass Defense & Mass Incarceration Committee Chair

Jenipher Jones will speak on the case of Leonard Peltier & the Uhuru 3 

Jesse Nevel – Uhuru 3 defendant, Uhuru Solidarity Committee

Jesse will make a statement on behalf of the Uhuru 3 

Miriam Zayad – Rutgers NLG Chapter, CUNY Student Organizer

Miriam will speak on the ongoing criminalization of student organizers in NYC’s public university system. 

Other speakers to be TBA.

Moderated by: Suzanne Adely, NLG President; and Leigha Gillespie, NLG Palestine Subcommittee Co-Chair

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