IADL Resolution calling on the Philippine Government to Stop the Attacks on Lawyers
The NLG is a member organization of the IADL, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Jeanne Mirer, IC co-chair, is President of the IADL, and Suzanne Adely, IC co-chair, is a member of the Bureau. Progressive lawyers from around the world are involved in the IADL, and it will be holding its next international Congress […]
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Will Israel’s Gaza Massacres Finally Prod the ICC into Action?
The following article – containing interviews with Suzanne Adely, International Committee co-chair and Audrey Bomse, Palestine Subcommitee co-chair – was originally published at Mint Press News on October 26th, 2018. We republish the article below: By Joe Catron THE HAGUE — As the Great March of Return by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip nears its eighth month, […]
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Sign on: International Lawyers Campaign for the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crimes Committed Against the Palestinian People
The National Lawyers Guild – a member of IADL – is an endorser of the following statement. We urge members and supporters to also join the statement, open to signatures by lawyers, jurists, law students, legal workers, legal organizations, trainee lawyers and law academics, among others: We, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers,1 invite you to […]
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IADL condemns military intervention in Syria
The following statement was released by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, of which the National Lawyers Guild is an affiliate: The International Association of Democratic Lawyers, a non-governmental organization founded in 1946, with member associations throughout the world and with consultative status in ECOSOC, condemns the April 13, 2018 airstrikes by the United States, […]
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Turkey: IADL Protests the Arrest of Lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı and Demands his Immediate Release
The following statement was issued by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), of which the NLG is a member organization. Jeanne Mirer, IC co-chair, is also President of the IADL, and IC co-chair Suzanne Adely is a member of the IADL’s Bureau. The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) is a non-governmental organization of […]
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Joint statement on President Trump’s visit to Japan and South Korea
On the occasion of the visit of US president Trump to Japan and South Korea, we demand an end to the US- DPRK escalation in military threats. On September 19, 2017, in his first appearance before the United Nations, President Donald Trump threatened to totally destroy North Korea, showing absolute contempt and disregard for all […]
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IADL statement of shock and alarm on the situation of the Rohingya in Myanmar
The following statement was issued by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the global alliance of progressive lawyers of which the NLG is a member: The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) expresses its shock and alarm at the reported massacres of the Rohingya Community of Rakhine province carried out by the Army of Myanmar. […]
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IADL President and NLG IC CoChair Submits Letters to Government Officials on Peter Erlinder’s Behalf
Jeanne Mirer, President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and NLG IC CoChair, has submitted letters to various government officials requesting intervention on Peter Erlinder’s behalf. Erlinder is currently being detained in Rwanda under the charge of “genocide ideology.” To read the letters, click here. For more information about Peter Erlinder’s arrest, please read […]
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International Conference to Continue the Battle to Permanently Prohibit Nuclear Weapons and all weapons of mass destructio
The next bureau meeting of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers will be in Paris, France. It will take place on Thursday April 22nd and Sunday April 25th. In between those dates the IADL will be hosting an international conference entitled: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE To Continue the Battle to Permanently PROHIBIT NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND ALL WEAPONS […]
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IADL Warns Against “Electoral Charade” in Haiti
Kim Ives, Haiti Liberte This past week saw outcry from legal professionals around the globe against the election fiasco unfolding in Haiti after the Provisional Electoral Council’s exclusion of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s Lavalas Family party (FL) and 13 others from parliamentary elections set for Feb. 28 and Mar. 3, 2010. On Dec. 11, the […]
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