• Guild Renews Boycott Call in Wake of Flotilla Massacre: U.S. Government Backs Rogue State

    New York: The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) renews its call for a complete boycott of Israel in light of the latest unjustified assault on peaceful humanitarian assistance to the residents of Gaza in which at least ten human rights workers were killed. The NLG has supported the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel […]

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  • Philippine Elections Rife with Violence, Irregularities and Voting System Malfunctions

    New York: Seven members of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) observed pre-electoral and election-day conditions during the Philippines’ historic election last week and found widespread irregularities, a high potential for fraud, voter machine breakdowns, military intimidation and a deadly gun battle inside the poll. NLG observers joined over 80 other observers from 12 different countries […]

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  • NLG, AAJ, IADL Joint Report on Honduras Coup now available in English translation

    The joint report of the October 2009 joint delegation to Honduras of the National Lawyers Guild, the Association of American Jurists and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers is now available in English. This important report details the constitutional and political aspects of the coup in Honduras, and provides an important constitutional law analysis of […]

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  • Rwandan Arrest of U.S. Lawyer Motivated by Politics

    Professor Peter Erlinder, noted criminal defense lawyer and past president of the National Lawyers Guild, was arrested Friday morning in Rwanda for “genocide ideology.” Erlinder’s representation of high-profile defendants before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has incurred the wrath of government officials, who have charged him with “negation of the Tutsi genocide” for […]

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  • NLG Condemns Disciplinary Actions by Honduran Supreme Court Against Judges, Magistrate, and Public Defender

    The National Lawyers’ Guild sent the following letter to the president of the Honduran Supreme Court protesting disciplinary action taken against Honduran judges for protesting against the ouster of President Zelaya last year. Click here to download the letter (pdf).

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  • NLG and Committees Submit and Contribute to Reports of US Human Rights Review

    The NLG, its International Committee, and Labor and Employment Committee all submitted reports to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review of the U.S., scheduled for late November of 2010. The NLG reports are posted here and some of the reports posted by […]

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  • Abdallah Abu Rahmah: Letter from Ofer Military Prison

    In a letter conveyed by his lawyers from his prison cell, the coordinator of Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and the Settlements, addresses his friends and supporters. Dear Friends and Supporters, It has been two months now since I was handcuffed, blindfolded, and taken from my home. Today news has reached Ofer Military Prison […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild Election Observation Delegation Arrives in the Philippines

    A delegation of seven members of the National Lawyers Guild arrived in Manila this week and will join several hundred international election observers to monitor the nation’s historic May 10, 2010 elections. Guild members are expected to be posted in areas throughout the archipelago, including Visayas, Luzon and Mindanao, where electoral violence and corruption are […]

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  • VIDEO: Interview with members of 5th Agent Orange Justice Tour

    Today, millions of Vietnamese suffer the effects of chemical defoliants used by the United States during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange, which contains dioxin (one of the deadliest substances known to science), continues to cause death and sickness to millions of Vietnamese and many U.S. veterans. More than thirty years after the war, Agent Orange […]

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  • The Last Ghost of War

    Azadeh Shahshahani and John Zientowski Today marks the 35th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. For millions of Vietnamese and hundreds of thousands of American veterans, the war lives on through the scars that Agent Orange has left on their bodies and bodies of their children. Agent Orange is a chemical defoliant that […]

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