• Zelaya Returns to Honduras! NLG Message from Honduras Joint Delegation

    Emily Yozell and Lucy Rodriguez were in Honduras from August 24-30 with our joint delegation with AAJ and IADL. We have posted their Preminary Report in Spanish and will post the English translation when we can. A final report should be available in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, there are important new developments with Zelaya’s […]

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  • HONDURAS MISSION — Informe Preliminar – English Version to Follow

    Informe Preliminar Resumen Preliminar de la Visita de la Misión Internacional de Observación de la Asociación Americana de Juristas (AAJ), el National Lawyers Guild (NLG), la Asociación Internacional de Juristas Democráticos (IADL) y la Asociación Internacional Contra la Tortura (AICT) sobre la Situación de Crisis en Honduras Causada por el Golpe de Estado y el […]

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  • NLG Korean Peace Project Joins National Strategy Session

    On September 16-17 the NLG Korean Peace Project will participate in the National Campaign to End the Korean War’s National Strategy Session in Washington DC. Key experts on Korean Policy and lobbying from around the country will gather to learn about successful Capital Hill strategies and to plan organizing to further our efforts to end […]

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  • Honduras NLG/AAJ/IADL Delegation Returns: Op Ed from NLG’s Emily Yozell

    A joint delegation of the Guild, AAJ and IADL returned on August 30 after a busy five day mission to Tegucigalpa. Their report will be posted at the Task Force on the Americas website in English and Spanish as soon as completed. Press Release August 31, 2009 Fact-finding mission of international jurists returns from Honduras […]

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  • Joint NLG/AAJ/IADL delegation arrives in Honduras

    Exploring Constitutional Issues Behind Coup and Referendum for Constituent Assembly The NLG and its allied legal organizations, the AAJ (Association of American Jurists), NCBL (National Congress of Black Lawyers) and IADL (International Association of Democratic Lawyers) have sent a delegation of 13 attorneys to Honduras to investigate the international law and Honduran constitutional law issues […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild Calls on US to Cut Ties with Illegal Junta in Honduras

     Letter to State Department and Obama The National Lawyers Guild calls for concrete action in response to the military coup perpetrated against the democratically- elected government of President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras which included the kidnapping and expulsion of President Zelaya and his Foreign Minister, Patricia Rodas, the detention the Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan ambassadors, […]

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  • NLG’s Jeanner Mirer elected to IADL presidency

    Our own NLG IC member Jeanne Mirer was elected to a four year term as President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Congrats to Jeanne. She is the first NLG member and first woman to head the IADL. Osamu Niikura of Japan was elected Secretary General.

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  • NLG and IADL issue white paper on illegal occupation

    During the bombardment and invasion of Gaza by Israel in December 2008 and January 2009 the International Association of Democratic Lawyers condemned Israeli actions in Gaza. We issued statements that these actions violated international law, the laws of war and international humanitarian law. IADL also called for Israel to be held accountable for these violations…. […]

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  • Puerto Rico Bar Association Under Attack for its Progressive and Independista politics

    The Puerto Rico Bar Association, founded in 1840, is the oldest professional organization in Puerto Rico and the third oldest in the American hemisphere. It is a mandatory organization, similar to the majority of state bar associations in the U.S., such as California and Florida, where membership is required. In addition to providing services to […]

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  • ONSLAUGHT: Israel’s Attack of Gaza and the Rule of Law – National Lawyers Guild Gaza Delegation Report

    During its 22 day offensive, Israeli forces killed more than 1400 Palestinians, including at least 288 children, and injured over 5300, of which at least 1606 were children. The majority of those killed were civilians. Two weeks after Israel declared a unilateral ceasefire, a National Lawyers Guild Delegation of seven attorneys and one law student […]

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