• National Lawyers Guild Condemns Illegal Israeli Massacre of Over 300 Gazans: Calls for Ceasefire, and Urges Protests

    The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) condemns Israel’s massive bombardment of the Gaza Strip which has left over 300 dead and 1,400 wounded, with the tolls mounting. The Israeli Air Force dropped more than 100 bombs in dozens of locations throughout the Gaza Strip as children left school on Saturday. The dead include men, women and […]

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  • Criminal Complaint at the Hague on Israel’s Blockade of Gaza

    International Coalition Against Impunity Files Complaint On December 10, 2008, the Beirut based International Coalition Against Impunity filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court charging Israel and five of its leaders with egregious violations of international law and the Rome Statute stemming from Israel’s actions in the continuing blockage of Gaza. A copy of […]

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  • Fishermen and Internationals Kidnapped in Palestinian Waters by the Israeli Navy: NLG Calls for Immediate Release and Return of Hijacked Boats

    The National Lawyers Guild urges Israel to release the fifteen Palestinian Fishermen and three international observers who were kidnapped in Palestinian waters by the Israeli Navy on November 18, 2008. Israel’s kidnapping of these individuals and hijacking of their fishing boats violates international law, the Oslo Accords, and the Law of the Seas. This capture […]

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  • Freedom Now for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners

     NLG demands freedom for political prisoners on the occasion of the November 25, 2008 meeting of the Israeli military trial The National Lawyers Guild calls for the freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners on the occasion of the November 25, 2008 meeting of the Israeli military trial against Sa’adat. Ahmad Sa’adat, the General […]

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  • TUPOCC-NLG: Statement of Support for Palestinian Liberation

    The founding Alabama Manifesto of The United People of Color Caucus (TUPOCC) calls on its members to “[d]emand that white and privileged Guild members take accountability for their racism and other oppressive behaviors by joining us in examining and effectively changing the culture of the NLG.” Upholding that call, TUPOCC, as a body within the […]

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  • NLG Joins the Israeli Accountability Campaign

    The National Lawyers’ Guild National Executive Committee recently endorsed the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation’s Israeli Accountability Campaign (IAC). The IAC seeks to use the pending law suit against Moshe Ya’alon as a tool to educate and mobilize legal and general communities nationally and to demand that the Bush Administration hold Israel accountable […]

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  • Palestinian Prisoners and International Law

    Audrey Bomse* INTRODUCTION: Since 1967, well over 650,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza have been detained by Israel for resisting the Occupation. This constitutes approximately 20% of the total Palestinian population in the Occupied Territories and 40% of the total male population.[1] Approximately half a million Palestinians have been prosecuted in Israeli courts. […]

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