• National Lawyers Guild Statement on the ICJ Order of Provisional Measures in South Africa’s Case Against Israel

    “Third States are now on notice of the existence of a serious risk of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They must, therefore, also act independently and immediately to prevent genocide by Israel and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the Genocide Convention, including by aiding or assisting in the […]

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  • VIDEO: South Africa’s Historic Case for Gaza at the Hague: What is Next?

    On January 11 and 12, 2024, the International Court of Justice in the Hague is hearing arguments for preliminary measures in the case South Africa has brought against the state of Israel under the Genocide Convention for its ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The National Lawyers Guild International Committee, International Association of […]

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  • NLG condemns US/UK bombing of Yemen: Stop the imperialist war

    National Lawyers Guild International condemns in the strongest possible terms the bombing of the country of Yemen by the United States and the United Kingdom.  We call on states, human rights and legal organizations, and popular movements to Act Swiftly to pressure the U.S. to stop this Imperialist War.  On Thursday evening, January 11, the […]

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  • Fri, Jan 12: WEBINAR: South Africa’s Historic Case for Gaza at the Hague: What is Next?

    Friday Jan 12 10 am PT/1 pm ET/8 pm South Africa-Palestine REGISTER: https://bit.ly/icjgaza *Note: this will be held as a webinar; however, we will provide mechanisms for questions to be answered by the panelists! On January 11 and 12, 2024, the International Court of Justice in the Hague is hearing arguments for preliminary measures in […]

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  • International Delegation in Cairo Demands Opening of Rafah Border Crossing

    PRESS RELEASE We are an international delegation of writers, lawyers, journalists, activists, students, and organizers who arrived in Cairo, Egypt this week with the goal of reaching the Rafah border crossing with Gaza to exert pressure to open the border for the immediate entry and sustainedflow of urgent humanitarian aid—food, water, fuel, and medical aid […]

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  • Video: Palestine and the Right to Resist

    On Wednesday, Nov. 1, the NLG IC, together with NLG National, organized a webinar on Palestine and the Right to Resist. Watch the full video online here: Speakers include: Edre Olalia (National Union of People’s Lawyers, Philippines); Brahim Rouabah (professor of political science, on Algeria); Shahd Hammouri (Lecturer in Law, University of Kent); Jan Fermon […]

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  • The Gaza Resolution

    The National Lawyers Guild joined organizations around the world in endorsing the Gaza Resolution, initiated by the Progressive International: The Gaza Resolution: Popular movements, parties, and unions across the world issue a pledge to stand for Palestinian liberation and sever ties of complicity with the State of Israel. (1) Grieve the lives claimed in the […]

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  • November 1, Webinar: Palestine and the Right to Resist

    Wednesday, November 1 10 am Eastern/7 am Pacific Register: https://bit.ly/rightresist Join the National Lawyers Guild for a discussion among lawyers, scholars and activists on the Palestinian people’s right to resist occupation and colonization. Speakers include: Edre Olalia (National Union of People’s Lawyers, Philippines); Brahim Rouabah (professor of political science, on Algeria); Shahd Hammouri (Lecturer in […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild Solidarity with Ryna Workman

    NLG STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF RYNA WORKMAN The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) expresses its strongest support for Ryna Workman, NYU law student and elected Student Bar Association (SBA) President, and their statement in support of Palestinian rights, amidst threats of their expulsion & discipline by NYU Law, the revocation of their job offer from Winston […]

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  • NLG International emphasizes Palestinian right to resist, stands in solidarity with Palestine

    The National Lawyers Guild emphasizes the legitimacy of the right of the Palestinian people to resist illegal military occupation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and urges the United States to stop enabling and arming Israel’s perpetration of its atrocities. The NLG stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle against the settler colonial […]

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