The National Lawyers Guild Calls for an End to the Culture of Impunity in the Philippines
he brutal massacre in Maguindanao on November 23 that has left more than 50 dead, many of them women, follows a pattern of extra-judicial killings that has been plaguing the Philippines. Death squads have been murdering progressive activists with impunity. The death count has reached more than 1000 since Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s presidency began. Twenty-two lawyers […]
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Sison Removed from EU Terrorist Blacklist
Yesterday, the European Court of First Instance annulled all decisions and a regulation of the Council of the European Union that had maintained Jose Maria Sison on its terrorist blacklist in their judgment on case T-341/07. The decison directly unfreezes Sison’s bank account and allows him to once again engage in financial dealings. Sison can […]
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Passing of Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran: Statement from the 2006 Delegation of Women Lawyers
We were deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Ka Bel, news which shook those close to him, but also so many around the world. We wish to add our voices to the multitudes that are mourning his death, but also celebrating his life. His was a lifetime full of struggle against injustices, […]
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NLG Denounces Arrest of Jose Maria Sison, Founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines
On August 28, Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), was arrested in The Netherlands by the Dutch police allegedly for two executions enacted by the New People’s Army half a globe away. Sison’s arrest also served as a pretext to raid his colleagues’ homes and the office of the […]
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Gabnet 3 Update: Safe U.S. Arrival
Dr. Annalisa Enrile, Judith Mirkinson and Ninotchka Rosca, Gabriela Network US officers, collectively known as the GabNet3, are now in the United States. They were able to leave the Philippines last August 14 (10:30 PM Philippine time) and arrived in the United States safely. We warmly welcome them back to the US. The GabNet 3 […]
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NLG demands release of Gabnet 3 – US-based activists being held in the Philippines
On August 5, Dr. Annalisa Enrile, a U.S. citizen, was stopped from boarding her return flight home to Los Angeles from Manila. Dr. Enrile is the national chair of GABNet. Two other leaders of GABNet who are scheduled to depart on Tuesday, August 14, are reportedly also on the hold list: internationally acclaimed writer Ninotchka […]
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Human Rights Crisis Continues in the Philippines: Women Lawyers Release Update of Report
The findings of the delegation’s visit to the Philippines were originally set forth in Seeking Answers: Probing Political Persecution, Repression & Human Rights Violations in the Philippines, published in September 2006. Since that time, the authors have continued to monitor developments in the Philippines, and remain concerned about the rising number of extrajudicial killings and […]
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Resolution Condemning Political Repression in the Philippines
The Guild’s National Executive Committee recently approved a resolution on political repression and its impact on women in the Philippines, which was submitted by the International Committee, Philippines Subcommittee, Merrilyn Onisko and Vanessa Lucas. The Filipino GABRIELA Network was touched by our resolution and very grateful for our determination to continue working together. Text of […]
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Delegation to the Philippines Releases Their Report
Vanessa Lucas, Philippines Subcommittee On September 21, 2006, the 34th anniversary of Marcos’ declaration of martial law, a press conference was held at the Center for Constitutional Rights to announce the release of the Report of the Women’s Human Rights Delegation to the Philippines. Speaking at the press conference were Tina Foster, Vanessa Lucas, and […]
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Guild Women Investigate Escalating Repression in the Philippines
Rachel Lederman Four Guild women lawyers traveled to the Philippines in May on a human rights fact finding mission organized by the Philippine national women’s coalition, GABRIELA, in response to the recent State of Emergency and rebellion prosecution of Congresswoman Liza Maza and five other left members of Congress. In our short stay, the delegation […]
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