The following schedule contains items organized or co-organized by the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, its working groups and subcommittees.
There are many more events of interest to IC members taking place at the Convention, including the Plenaries, Anti-Racism Training, TUPOCC Meeting, Welcome reception honoring Brigada Legal Solidaria and Denyse Sabagh, Keynote speech by Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, Awards Banquet honoring Azadeh Shahshahani, Leoyla Cowboy, Michael Podgurski and much more! For full schedules and annotated agenda, please visit the NLG site at https://www.nlg.org/ convention/. Unless noted otherwise, all events will take place at the 21c Museum Hotel Durham, 111 North Corcoran Street, Durham, NC 27701
9 am to 12 pm – Annual International Committee Meeting (Gallery 5)
Join us to discuss International Committee work, urgent issues around the world and plan for our next year of activity!
1 pm to 5 pm – CLE: Human Rights for the People: The Gig Economy, Precarity and the Right to Healthcare – Sponsored by the NLG International Committee and Labor & Employment Committee (Gallery 5)
This CLE will explore contemporary legal strategies for advancing human rights in the “gig economy” amid rising precarity. Speakers will discuss current cases challenging companies like Uber and unique legal strategies to confront precarity. It will also address key human rights issues like the right to healthcare. Discussion will highlight ongoing work around a range of labor issues that address fundamental human rights, including migration, prison labor and the right to organize.The CLE will include detailed analysis, case histories and strategies for arguing for human rights in court in cases related to precarious labor and major human rights issues, such as the right to a job or the right to healthcare. It will also include a discussion of detailed, successful examples of challenges to Uber and other “gig economy” companies on behalf of precarious workers as well as the intersection of legal work and organizing to defend human rights.
- Learn more & register at International Committee website https://nlginternational.org/
2019/09/ic-lec-cle- registration-for-law-for-the- people-2019-human-rights-for- the-people-the-gig-economy- precarity-and-the-right-to- healthcare/ - Download CLE materials https://nlgserve.nlg.org/s/
FRIDAY, Oct. 18
Workshops I (11:15 am – 12:15 pm)
- U.S. Exceptionalism and Responding to US Intervention Around the World (Private Dining Room)
- Expanding Democracy: Protecting the Right to Vote (download CLE materials: https://nlgserve.nlg.org/s/
7a7isFb6JsYgWnD ) (Gallery 5)
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm – Task Force on the Americas Meeting (Gallery 6)
Major Panels I (4:30 pm- 5:45 pm)
- Criminalizing Protest: Attacks on Black, Native, and Palestinian Resistance (Gallery 4)
6 pm – 8 pm – International and Labor & Employment Committees Joint Reception (Main Gallery)
Join the NLG’s International Committee and Labor & Employment Committee (two of our largest!) as they present the the Debra Evenson “Venceremos” Award to Judy Somberg. FREE!
7:30 am – 8:45 am – Military Law Task Force Meeting (Restaurant: Spoon Room)
8:00 am – 9:00 am – International Labor Justice Working Group Meeting (Vault)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – Puerto Rico Subcommittee Meeting (Gallery 4)
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – Environmental Justice Committee Meeting (Restaurant: Spoon Room)
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm – Major Panels II
- Challenging Lawfare: Challenging White Supremacy, Zionism and Racism (Gallery 6)
SUNDAY, Oct. 20
7:45 am – 9:15 am – Cuba Subcommittee Meeting (Gallery 4)
9:30 am – 10:30 am – Workshops III
- Legal Consequences of the US Occupation of Hawaii (download CLE materials: https://nlgserve.nlg.org/s/
aYgTysnC5e8xZ6H ) (Gallery 6) - Labor Strategies to Combat Authoritarian Regimes (download CLE materials: https://nlgserve.nlg.org/s/
iG3rn7dX29pG26e ) (Gallery 5)
1:15 pm – 2:15 pm – Workshops IV
- Struggle for Asylum, Legal Support, and Survival at the Mexico/US Border (Gallery 4)
- Hot Topic: The Puerto Rican Summer: 12 Days That Shook Our World (Private Dining Room)