Video: NLG Workshop On War and Genocide Tax Resistance

Watch the full video (above, at YouTube) of the NLG virtual workshop, organized by the Palestine Subcommittee, on war and genocide tax resistance.

While withholding all or part of one’s federal income tax is not legal, it is being done within a context claiming that paying taxes to the US Government at this time amounts to aiding and abetting genocide, as well as war crimes and crimes against humanity, all of which are illegal under international law. It is also in violation of US domestic law, such as the Foreign Assistance Act.

This virtual workshop discusses possible ways for the NLG to become involved in this movement, by offering legal advice to people engaged in genocide/war tax resistance. There are ethical implications involved in lawyers, law students and legal workers offering legal advice to people thinking of engaging in illegal behavior.


  • Lincoln Rice, Coordinator of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC), which has been engaged in war tax resistance for decades
  • Peter Goldberger, legal counsel to NWTRCC
  • Suad Abdel Aziz, member of the NLG’s Executive Committee & Palestine Subcommittee

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