Torture on Trial in Arizona: Motion to Dismiss Memo Gives Shocking Overview of Torture Training
Bill Quigley I am representing two priests in a federal criminal trial for protesting outside Ft. Huachuca, AZ – home of Military Intelligence. They were protesting the interrogation training that goes on there in light of its effects at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Torture Trial Memo The following memo is an overview of the teaching […]
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UN Labor Panel Finds U.S. Violates International Labor Rules, Calls for Repeal of North Carolina Anti-Bargaining Law
Robin Alexander In a strongly-worded decision made public today, the International Labour Organization (ILO), an agency of the United Nations, issued an unprecedented call for the United States to “promote the establishment of a collective bargaining framework in the public sector in North Carolina,” and called specifically for the repeal of North Carolina General Statute […]
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UN Human Rights Committee Calls for Closing Guantanamo, Helping Katrina Victims
By Ann Fagan Ginger, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute The UN Human Rights Committee, with members from every region of the world, met in July in Geneva and listened to representatives of 40 U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), who described specific human rights problems in the U.S. since 9/11, including the treatment of Katrina victims and Guantanamo […]
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Responses to the U.S. Report to the UN Human Rights Committee
By Ann Schneider, National Lawyers Guild-New York City Chapter The new UN subcommittee of the NLG International Committee initiated a diverse panel discussion at the United Nations Church Center in New York City on March 23rd. The event was organized from Maryland by Curtis Cooper with the assistance of John Kim, Olivia Kraus, Shashi Kara, […]
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Responses to the U.S. Report to the UN Human Rights Committee
Ann Schneider, National Lawyers Guild-New York City Chapter The new UN subcommittee of the NLG International Committee initiated a diverse panel discussion at the United Nations Church Center in New York City on March 23rd. The event was organized from Maryland by Curtis Cooper with the assistance of John Kim, Olivia Kraus, Shashi Kara, Renate […]
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