200 Attorneys, Dozens of Legal Orgs: US Unilateral Economic Sanctions Violate International Law
Letter to White House Marks Exactly 75 Years Since Signing of Geneva Conventions New York, NY — A new letter from legal groups, legal scholars, and attorneys calls on the Biden administration to end the use of broad unilateral economic sanctions, noting their civilian harms and illegality under international law. The letter, sent to the […]
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El Gremio Nacional de Abogados cuestiona las reiteradas declaraciones de prensa del Centro Carter en relación con las elecciones presidenciales del 28 de julio en Venezuela.
(English) El Gremio Nacional de Abogados cuestiona las reiteradas declaraciones de prensa del Centro Carter en relación con las elecciones presidenciales del 28 de julio en Venezuela. El Centro emitió una declaración pública menos de 24 horas después del cierre de las urnas en la que pedía al gobierno venezolano que publicara inmediatamente los resultados electorales […]
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The National Lawyers Guild Disputes Carter Center Statements on 2024 Venezuelan Presidential Elections
The National Lawyers Guild disputes repeated Carter Center press statements regarding the July 28 presidential elections in Venezuela. The Center issued a public statement less than 24 hours after the closing of the polls calling on the Venezuelan government to immediately publish the election results for each polling station across the country. As lawyers and […]
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August 1, Webinar: Venezuela’s Elections – Reportback from the Observer Delegation
Thursday, August 1 7 pm Eastern – 4 pm Pacific Register online: https://bit.ly/venelex Join the National Lawyers Guild International Committee for a reportback from the NLG election observer delegation. The members of the delegation will speak about their experiences, the new NLG report on the elections, and the attempts by the United States and US-supported […]
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National Lawyers Guild Report: Election Monitoring Delegation to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
National Lawyers Guild Report Election Monitoring Delegation Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela July 28, 2024 The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) sent five election observers to monitor the presidential elections in Venezuela that took place on July 28, 2024. Guild members collectively visited a number of polling centers on the day of the election, where […]
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Press Release: National Lawyers Guild electoral observers praise fairness, transparency of Venezuelan election process; condemn the U.S. backed opposition’s refusal to accept the outcome of democratic election
PRESS RELEASE National Lawyers Guild electoral observers praise fairness, transparency of Venezuelan election process; condemn the U.S. backed opposition’s refusal to accept the outcome of democratic election CONTACT: Suzanne Adely suzanne.adely@gmail.com Ken Montenegro kmontenegro@comeuppance.net July 29, 2024 – A delegation of five election observers […]
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Honduras: Guapinol water defenders remain at risk despite IACHR precautionary measures
Nine months after the IACHR issued Precautionary Measures on behalf of 30 human rights defenders at risk, their situation has worsened because the Honduran State has failed to implement any effective protective measures. July 23, 2024 Despite the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issuance of Precautionary Measures in October 2023, the Honduran government has […]
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Joint Statement of International Protest Condemning Turkey’s Arrest of Naim Eminoğlu and Doğa İncesu of the Progressive Lawyers Association (“ÇHD”)
Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bern, Bologna, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Colmar, Cologne, Dhaka, Dusseldorf, Gaza, Grenoble, Harlem, London, Madrid, Manila, Mytilini, New Delhi, New York, Nicosia, Paris, Ramallah, Roma, Tokyo– 5 July 2024 The undersigned bar associations, law societies, and lawyers’ rights organizations – representing tens of thousands of lawyers from around the globe – […]
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June 27, Online: Seminar C of the Monique and Roland Weyl People’s Academy of International Law: Abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants
Abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants Seminar C of the Monique and Roland Weyl People’s Academy of International Law REGISTER NOW! Thursday, June 27 9 am Pacific, 12 pm Eastern, 4 pm UTC Interpretation available in English, Spanish, French (Arabic, Portuguese upon request) Register: https://peoplesacademy.net/register NOTE: This will be a 2-hour course! Register Now […]
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June 6, Online: The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression – Course 4B of the People’s Academy of International Law
The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression Course 4B of the Monique and Roland Weyl People’s Academy of International Law. REGISTER NOW! Thursday, June 6 9 am Pacific, 12 pm Eastern, 4 pm UTC Interpretation available in English, Spanish, French (Arabic, Portuguese upon request) Register: https://peoplesacademy.net/register NOTE: This will be […]
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