• NLG International Committee Declares Solidarity with the People of Greece

    We Stand with the People of Greece in their Struggle for Economic Self-Determination The people of Greece have faced an unprecedented assault on their political and economic sovereignty by the institutions of European and global capitalism under the destructive framework of “austerity.” Earlier this year, Greek voters overwhelmingly said “No” to these continued “austerity” assaults […]

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  • NLG’s Jan Susler testifies on Puerto Rico to UN Decolonization Committee

    Jan Susler of the National Lawyers Guild, co-chair of the International Committee’s Puerto Rico Subcommittee, testified before the UN’s Decolonization Committee, urging that Puerto Ricans be able to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination, free of U.S. colonialism. Download Susler’s full testimony at this link: http://www.nlginternational.org/report/6.19.2015_nlg_un_decolonization_committee_presentation.pdf Crippling Trade Policies, Brain Drain, Sluggish Economy Constrain Puerto Rico’s […]

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  • NLG joins Puerto Rican call for investigation of Dominican judges

    The National Lawyers Guild joined in a complaint by Puerto Rican organizations to the island’s Attorney General, calling for the investigation of crimes against humanity by judges from the Dominican Republic responsible for the violation of Haitians’ human rights in the Dominican Republic. The letter asks the Attorney General to hold the judges in Puerto […]

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  • NLG, LPHR and Addameer submit UN complaint on Palestinian human rights defender Khalida Jarrar

    Complaint submitted to the United Nations concerning the Israeli military arrest, detention and indictment of the Palestinian human rights defender, London, Ramallah and New York, 16 June 2015 – Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR), Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) have submitted a joint complaint to […]

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  • An Open Letter to Dominican Republic President Danilo Medina

    The following letter was sent to Dominican president Danilo Medina urging the immediate cancellation of the announced targeting and deportation of people of Haitian descent, scheduled to take place as early as June 18. June 17, 2015 President Danilo Medina Avenida México Gazcue, Distrito Nacional Santo Domingo, República Dominicana President Danilo Medina: We are writing […]

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  • NLG Calls on President Obama to Withdraw Executive Order Declaring Venezuela National Security Threat‏‎

    On March 8, 2015, President Obama issued Executive Order (EO) 13692, which declared a national emergency, calling Venezuela “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” and imposed sanctions on several Venezuelan officials. Now that he has publicly backpedaled on his claim, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) […]

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  • New Report: Delegation to Colombia Peace Talks in Cuba

    A strong contingent of NLG members participated in a recent delegation to Cuba to observe, meet with and learn about the Colombia peace talks, organized by the Alliance for Global Justice. The delegation, which took place from April 11-18, has issued a new report with its findings, program, observations and conclusions. NLG Participants included: President-Elect […]

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  • NLG joins open letter of US NGOs and citizens calling for retraction of Obama’s executive order on Venezuela

    New York, April 2, 2015 – In an Open Letter addressed to President Barack Obama, over 119 U.S. academics, activists and NGOs called on their head of state to rescind his Executive Order declaring Venezuela “an unusual and extraordinary threat to U.S. national security”. On March 9, 2015, President Obama invoked his executive powers to […]

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  • NLG IC at the World Social Forum

    (Neo)Colonial Militarism and State Violence: Global – Local Connections The National Lawyers Guild is a co-sponsor of the following event at the World Social Forum, the international gathering of social movements taking place in Tunis March 24-28: TIME: March 27, 3 pm LOCATION: Salle TD9, World Social Forum, Tunis, Tunisia From the Arab uprisings, to […]

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  • International Tribunal to Hear Rights Violations in the Philippines

    The National Lawyers Guild and International Association of Democratic Lawyers are among the co-convenors of an international tribunal to try cases of human rights violations under the presidency of Benigno S. Aquino III, launched on March 12 at the University of the Philippines, Diliman Quezon City. Dubbed as the International Peoples’ Tribunal (IPT), the initiative […]

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