• Israeli Navy Attacks Civilian Mercy Ship

    The Dignity, a boat traveling with the Free Gaza Movement, is rammed by Israeli Navy The Dignity was been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage. Contrary to international maritime law, […]

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  • NLG and IADL Participate in Conference in Moscow Commemorating the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal

    By Curtis Cooper On Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2008, Russian veterans, lawyers, historians, students, and members of civil society were joined by foreign guests for a conference at Victory Park in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Post-World War II Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. Background The conference, entitled “Issues in Contemporary International Law and […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild Condemns Illegal Israeli Massacre of Over 300 Gazans: Calls for Ceasefire, and Urges Protests

    The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) condemns Israel’s massive bombardment of the Gaza Strip which has left over 300 dead and 1,400 wounded, with the tolls mounting. The Israeli Air Force dropped more than 100 bombs in dozens of locations throughout the Gaza Strip as children left school on Saturday. The dead include men, women and […]

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  • Criminal Complaint at the Hague on Israel’s Blockade of Gaza

    International Coalition Against Impunity Files Complaint On December 10, 2008, the Beirut based International Coalition Against Impunity filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court charging Israel and five of its leaders with egregious violations of international law and the Rome Statute stemming from Israel’s actions in the continuing blockage of Gaza. A copy of […]

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  • Universal Declaration at 60

    Human Rights activists around the world celebrate the UDHR this December 2008 Schools, community groups, and organizations around the world will be marking the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) this week. A brief search on the internet shows symposiums and conferences scheduled for universities, such as at Harvard. NLG representatives […]

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  • Fishermen and Internationals Kidnapped in Palestinian Waters by the Israeli Navy: NLG Calls for Immediate Release and Return of Hijacked Boats

    The National Lawyers Guild urges Israel to release the fifteen Palestinian Fishermen and three international observers who were kidnapped in Palestinian waters by the Israeli Navy on November 18, 2008. Israel’s kidnapping of these individuals and hijacking of their fishing boats violates international law, the Oslo Accords, and the Law of the Seas. This capture […]

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  • Freedom Now for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners

     NLG demands freedom for political prisoners on the occasion of the November 25, 2008 meeting of the Israeli military trial The National Lawyers Guild calls for the freedom of Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners on the occasion of the November 25, 2008 meeting of the Israeli military trial against Sa’adat. Ahmad Sa’adat, the General […]

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  • Update on Puerto Rico: Task Force on the Americas to Reinitiate PR Work

    At this year’s convention, the NLG International Committee Americas Task Force made the important decision to reinitiate its work around Puerto Rico in the future. The decision came after a presentation by Judith Berkan, longtime Guild member and resident of Puerto Rico, supported by Jan Susler, also a longtime Guild member who lived many years […]

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  • NLG Issues White Paper on Torture

    US officials who used, advocated, or justified torture are subject to criminal prosecution under International and US Law National Lawyers Guild and International Association of Democratic Lawyers Yes 8 This paper explains this paper explains why all those who approved the use of torture and committed it-whether ordering it, approving it or giving purported legal […]

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  • Exhibit on the “Forgotten Faces of North Korea” Available for Showing

    KPP Chair Eric Sirotkin attended the Korean Policy Institute’s Reunification: Building Permanent Peace in Korea conference held in Berkeley California on October 10, 2008. This conference brought together academics, policy experts, community members, and advocates for a lively, focused, and informed discussion on peace and unification in Korea and what US policy makers and communities […]

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