• Resolution Condemning Political Repression in the Philippines

    The Guild’s National Executive Committee recently approved a resolution on political repression and its impact on women in the Philippines, which was submitted by the International Committee, Philippines Subcommittee, Merrilyn Onisko and Vanessa Lucas. The Filipino GABRIELA Network was touched by our resolution and very grateful for our determination to continue working together. Text of […]

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  • Delegation to the Philippines Releases Their Report

    Vanessa Lucas, Philippines Subcommittee On September 21, 2006, the 34th anniversary of Marcos’ declaration of martial law, a press conference was held at the Center for Constitutional Rights to announce the release of the Report of the Women’s Human Rights Delegation to the Philippines. Speaking at the press conference were Tina Foster, Vanessa Lucas, and […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild Calls on Haiti’s Elected Government to Release Political Prisoners Remaining From the Latortue Dictatorship

    The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) urges Haiti’s Constitutional Government, especially President René Préval and Minister of Justice René Magloire, to immediately release all of the political prisoners remaining from the unconstitutional regime of Prime Minister Gérard Latortue (2004-2006). Almost all of the political prisoners were arrested illegally, all have been in jail without trial longer […]

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  • Haitian Death Squad Leader Ordered to Pay $19 Million to Torture Survivors

    Moira Feeney, Center for Justice and Accountability Emmanuel “Toto” Constant, the former leader of Haiti’s notorious death squad known as FRAPH, has been ordered to pay $19 damages to three women who survived rape, other torture, and attempted killing committed by paramilitary forces under his command. The case marks the first time that anyone has […]

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  • Resolution on the Misuse of U.S. Government “Democracy Promotion” Initiatives Undermining Progressive Governments and Movements in the Americas

    The following resolution was approved unanimously at the National Lawyers Guild convention in Austin, TX, on October 22, 2006. Text of the Resolution Resolution on the Misuse of U.S. Government “Democracy Promotion” Initiatives to Undermine Progressive Governments and Movements in the Americas (approved unanimously on October 22, 2006) WHEREAS, the United States government, through the […]

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  • UN Human Rights Committee Calls for Closing Guantanamo, Helping Katrina Victims

    By Ann Fagan Ginger, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute The UN Human Rights Committee, with members from every region of the world, met in July in Geneva and listened to representatives of 40 U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), who described specific human rights problems in the U.S. since 9/11, including the treatment of Katrina victims and Guantanamo […]

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  • 2006 Delegation to Venezuela Submits Report: The Bolivarian Revolution and the Rule of Law

    Laura Safer Espinoza and Susan Scott, Task Force on the Americas A delegation of 16 lawyers, 6 law students and a filmmaker, who went to Caracas for a week in early February 2006, has completed a report, entitled “The Bolivarian Revolution and the Rule of Law.” The above link will take you to a pdf […]

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  • What is the Status of LGTB Rights in Cuba & the U.S.A?

    Daniela Castillo What are the most significant differences between LGTB rights in Cuba and the United States? In Cuba Employment: Cuba’s new labor code recognizes sexual orientation as a form of unacceptable discrimination. Gender identity was discussed, but evidently not so far included. Criminalization of Private Sex Acts: According to Dr. Alberto Roque, private homosexual […]

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  • Responses to the U.S. Report to the UN Human Rights Committee

    By Ann Schneider, National Lawyers Guild-New York City Chapter The new UN subcommittee of the NLG International Committee initiated a diverse panel discussion at the United Nations Church Center in New York City on March 23rd. The event was organized from Maryland by Curtis Cooper with the assistance of John Kim, Olivia Kraus, Shashi Kara, […]

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  • 2006 Delegation to Venezuela Submits Report

    The Bolivarian Revolution and the Rule of Law By Laura Safer Espinoza and Susan Scott, Task Force on the Americas A delegation of 16 lawyers, 6 law students and a filmmaker, who went to Caracas for a week in early February 2006, has completed a report, entitled “The Bolivarian Revolution and the Rule of Law.” […]

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