• Pending Execution of Iraqi Women: NLG Demands Repudiation of Death Sentences

    By Jeanne Mirer, NLG International Committee The National Lawyers Guild International Committee (NLG-IC), a network of human rights attorneys, law students, and legal workers, has received information that an Iraqi Tribunal has convicted and intends to put three young Iraqi women, Wassan Talib , age 31; Zeynab Fadhil age 25 and Liqa Omar Muhammad age […]

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  • NLG Delegation Reports on Bolivia

    By Lawrence Mark Stern On January 10, the day that we left Bolivia – and nearly a year after the inauguration of indigenous leader Evo Morales as president – the people of the city of Cochabamba erupted. The indigenous people of that town massed in the central plaza, threatening to take the town, trying to […]

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  • “I Swore to Uphold the Constitution. Instead, I Disgraced It”

    Vermont Legislature Says Bring Them Home Now! By James Marc Leas, International Committee Member The Vermont Senate and House both passed resolutions “urging the President and Congress to commence immediately the orderly withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq.” The resolutions also both urge Vermont “Governor [James] Douglas to enlist the support of other members […]

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  • Press Release: Former Haitian Colonel To Be Prosecuted

    Trial Next Week in Miami for Torture, Extrajudicial Killings For Immediate Release Contact: Moira Feeney, Esq., mfeeney@cja.org, (415) 544-0444 x302 Pamela Merchant, Executive Director, pmerchant@cja.org,(415)544-0444 x307 Susan M. Bass, Marketing Communications Manager for Holland & Knight, LLP, susan.bass@hklaw.com, (813) 769-4326 What: The trial against former Haitian Colonel Carl Dorélien for torture and extrajudicial killing is […]

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  • NLG Joins the Israeli Accountability Campaign

    The National Lawyers’ Guild National Executive Committee recently endorsed the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation’s Israeli Accountability Campaign (IAC). The IAC seeks to use the pending law suit against Moshe Ya’alon as a tool to educate and mobilize legal and general communities nationally and to demand that the Bush Administration hold Israel accountable […]

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  • NLG and Others Issue Open Letter on Iran, Warn of Illegality of Any Offensive Military Action by the United States

    Today European, international and United States legal and human rights groups issued an open letter warning of the illegality of any offensive military action by the United States against Iran. Signatories include the American Association of Jurists, Center for Constitutional Rights (U.S.), Droite Solidarite (France), European Association of Lawyers for Human Rights and Democracy, Italian […]

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  • UN Labor Panel Finds U.S. Violates International Labor Rules, Calls for Repeal of North Carolina Anti-Bargaining Law

    Robin Alexander In a strongly-worded decision made public today, the International Labour Organization (ILO), an agency of the United Nations, issued an unprecedented call for the United States to “promote the establishment of a collective bargaining framework in the public sector in North Carolina,” and called specifically for the repeal of North Carolina General Statute […]

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  • Human Rights Abuse in Oaxaca Action Alert: Your Letter Can Make a Difference

    Robin Alexander, Merrilyn Onisko, and Jennifer Harbury OAXACA CRISIS: PLEASE SEND LETTERS, CALL CONGRESS Dear Friends, Let us begin with saludos solidarios, and our hopes that this letter finds you well in health and spirits. We are writing to share some very disturbing information about the current human rights situation in Oaxaca, Mexico. We had […]

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  • IADL Resolution on Haiti

    Adopted at the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Bureau Meeting in Cochin, India December 19 and 20, 2006 Considering the political events that transpired in Haiti in the course of the year 2003, which led to the violent death of numerous Haitian citizens, particularly among the members and supporters of the Fanmi Lavalas political party; […]

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  • Resolution Condemning Political Repression in the Philippines

    The Guild’s National Executive Committee recently approved a resolution on political repression and its impact on women in the Philippines, which was submitted by the International Committee, Philippines Subcommittee, Merrilyn Onisko and Vanessa Lucas. The Filipino GABRIELA Network was touched by our resolution and very grateful for our determination to continue working together. Text of […]

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