• National Lawyers Guild Demands an End to Persecution of French BDS Activists

    Monday, November 29th marked UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – while in France, it marked the trial of 12 Palestine solidarity activists for promoting the boycott of Israeli goods. In 2007, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) adopted a resolution that, among other determinations, urged divestment from Israel and boycott of all […]

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  • International Committee Webinar highlights “material support” laws

    The International Committee held a webinar with CCR Senior Managing Attorney Shayana Kadidal on Wednesday, November 17 on HLP v. Holder, material support, and international solidarity activism. The webinar audio is now available for listening/download. The webinar may be downloaded here: http://nlginternational.org/audio/hlp-v-holder-shayana-kadidal.mp3 Recent events have raised many questions for international solidarity activists whose work challenges […]

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  • NLG International Committee supports California “Divest from Israel” initiative

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee and Free Palestine Subcommittee have endorsed the California Israel Divestment Campaign, as part of the Guild’s ongoing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) work in solidarity with Palestine. When: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, noon Who: California Israel Divestment Campaign www.israeldivestmentcampaign.org Where: In front of Israeli Consulate, 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los […]

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  • NLG calls upon UN Secretary-General to reconsider Uribe appointment to Gaza flotilla investigation

    The following letter was sent to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on behalf of the Guild, in response to the news that Alvaro Uribe Velez, former president of Colombia, was to be nominated as vice-chair of the UN investigatory committee on the Gaza flotilla: The National Lawyers Guild, an association of U.S. lawyers, law students […]

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  • NLG calls on State Department to intervene in the case of Ameer Makhoul

    The National Lawyers Guild, in coordination with other legal and grassroots human rights organizations, addressed this letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling upon the State Department to act on the case of Ameer Makhoul, Palestinian human rights advocate and leader among Palestinian citizens of Israel, who has been imprisoned on trumped-up security […]

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  • We Are All IHH! Defend NGO Against Smear Campaign

    52 1276541364 1526562832 No James Leas No 7 IHH, a major charitable organization with UN consultative status, faces scandalous attacks, made without evidence. The partner-organizations of the Freedom Flotilla issued this solidarity statement. We partners in the Freedom Flotilla would like to offer our deepest sympathy to the people of Turkey and particularly to the […]

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  • Did Israel Violate Arms Export Control Act? Former UN Assistant Secretary-General Writes to Secretary Clinton

    Dr. Peter Bourne has written to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking if Israel’s use of weapons, which were bought from the United States, in the flotilla attack constitutes a violation of the AECA. The National Lawyers Guild Emergency Delegation to Gaza, February, 2009, found evidence that Israel violated the AECA during Operation Cast […]

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  • The Flotilla Massacre is Unjustifiable and the Underlying Siege is Illegal

    Important Resources for Activists, Attorneys, & Students There can be no parity between occupier and occupied. As a matter of law, the onus is on Israel. Here are two legal analyses of Israel’s December 2008 to January 2009 “Operation Cast Lead.” Putting the focus on Israeli violations of international law, the laws of war, and […]

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  • Israel’s Security Cannot Come at Any Price: Legal Analysis of Flotilla Attack

    by Dr. Ben Saul Israel’s response to the Gaza flotilla is another unfortunate example of Israel clothing its conduct in the language of international law while flouting it in practice. If you believe Israeli government spokesmen, Israel is metabolically incapable of violating international law, placing it alongside Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister in self-awareness. Raid Illegal […]

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  • In Law Israel Has a Case to Answer: Flotilla Passengers Had Right to Defend Selves

    An embargo on adequate food and medical aid can never be lawful, so those on board had the right to defend themselves. Daniel Machover’s Letter to the Times (UK) The attack by Israeli forces on the Turkish-registered vessel Mavi Marmara in international waters was clearly unlawful. By virtue of the decision by the Permanent Court […]

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