Could Israel finally be held accountable?
By Azadeh Shahshahani and Audrey Bomse The following article, by NLG President Azadeh Shahshahani and Palestine Subcommittee co-chair Audrey Bomse, was published in Al-Jazeera America on July 30: Link to original article: http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/7/could-israel-finally-be-held-accountable.html In a highly unusual pretrial chamber ruling on July 16, International Criminal Court (ICC) judges reversed a decision by the court’s chief […]
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New NLG submission to ICC prosecutor: Neither facts nor law support Israel’s self-defense claims on Gaza
The Palestine Subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild has sent a revised submission to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Gaza, “Neither facts nor law support Israel’s self-defense claim regarding its 2014 assault on Gaza,” written by attorney James Marc Leas. The updated submission uses new reports and materials to further bolster its […]
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NLG, LPHR and Addameer submit UN complaint on Palestinian human rights defender Khalida Jarrar
Complaint submitted to the United Nations concerning the Israeli military arrest, detention and indictment of the Palestinian human rights defender, London, Ramallah and New York, 16 June 2015 – Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR), Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) have submitted a joint complaint to […]
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NLG IC at the World Social Forum
(Neo)Colonial Militarism and State Violence: Global – Local Connections The National Lawyers Guild is a co-sponsor of the following event at the World Social Forum, the international gathering of social movements taking place in Tunis March 24-28: TIME: March 27, 3 pm LOCATION: Salle TD9, World Social Forum, Tunis, Tunisia From the Arab uprisings, to […]
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NLG, PSLS, CCR, ACLU-MA urge Northeastern student government to uphold student democracy
On Thursday, March 12, Palestine Solidarity Legal Support, along with the ACLU of Massachusetts, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild sent a letter to Northeastern University Student Body President and student government members, urging them to resist calls to suppresses student democracy by preventing the student body […]
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National Lawyers Guild Demands an End to Persecution of French BDS Activists
Monday, November 29th marked UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – while in France, it marked the trial of 12 Palestine solidarity activists for promoting the boycott of Israeli goods. In 2007, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) adopted a resolution that, among other determinations, urged divestment from Israel and boycott of all […]
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International Committee Webinar highlights “material support” laws
The International Committee held a webinar with CCR Senior Managing Attorney Shayana Kadidal on Wednesday, November 17 on HLP v. Holder, material support, and international solidarity activism. The webinar audio is now available for listening/download. The webinar may be downloaded here: http://nlginternational.org/audio/hlp-v-holder-shayana-kadidal.mp3 Recent events have raised many questions for international solidarity activists whose work challenges […]
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NLG International Committee supports California “Divest from Israel” initiative
The National Lawyers Guild International Committee and Free Palestine Subcommittee have endorsed the California Israel Divestment Campaign, as part of the Guild’s ongoing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) work in solidarity with Palestine. When: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, noon Who: California Israel Divestment Campaign www.israeldivestmentcampaign.org Where: In front of Israeli Consulate, 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los […]
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NLG calls upon UN Secretary-General to reconsider Uribe appointment to Gaza flotilla investigation
The following letter was sent to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on behalf of the Guild, in response to the news that Alvaro Uribe Velez, former president of Colombia, was to be nominated as vice-chair of the UN investigatory committee on the Gaza flotilla: The National Lawyers Guild, an association of U.S. lawyers, law students […]
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NLG calls on State Department to intervene in the case of Ameer Makhoul
The National Lawyers Guild, in coordination with other legal and grassroots human rights organizations, addressed this letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, calling upon the State Department to act on the case of Ameer Makhoul, Palestinian human rights advocate and leader among Palestinian citizens of Israel, who has been imprisoned on trumped-up security […]
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