• Israel Declares Shooting Of American An “Act Of War” To Avoid Compensation

    Israel has declared the shooting of unarmed American demonstratorTristan Anderson in the West Bank to be an “act of war” in a bid to avoid compensating his family. The Israeli Army Ministry sent a lettercontaining this declaration to the Anderson family’s lawyers, according to attorney Leah Tsemel who is perusing a civil suit against the […]

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  • Impact of Federal Anti-Boycott And Other Laws On BDS Campaigns

    NLG International Committee issues legal memo for activists BDS activists should be aware that there is a federal law containing anti-boycott provisions – the Export Administration Act of 1979 (“Act”) – that opponents of an Israel boycott may assert makes boycotting Israel illegal. This memo is intended to provide you with responses to this assertion […]

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  • NLG and IADL issue white paper on illegal occupation

    During the bombardment and invasion of Gaza by Israel in December 2008 and January 2009 the International Association of Democratic Lawyers condemned Israeli actions in Gaza. We issued statements that these actions violated international law, the laws of war and international humanitarian law. IADL also called for Israel to be held accountable for these violations…. […]

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  • ONSLAUGHT: Israel’s Attack of Gaza and the Rule of Law – National Lawyers Guild Gaza Delegation Report

    During its 22 day offensive, Israeli forces killed more than 1400 Palestinians, including at least 288 children, and injured over 5300, of which at least 1606 were children. The majority of those killed were civilians. Two weeks after Israel declared a unilateral ceasefire, a National Lawyers Guild Delegation of seven attorneys and one law student […]

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  • Strong Indications of Violations of the Laws of War, U.S. Law, and War Crimes Found in the Gaza Strip: Guild Gaza Delegation Reports

    We are a delegation of 8 American lawyers, members of the National Lawyers Guild in the United States, who have come here to the Gaza Strip to assess the effects of the recent attacks on the people, and to determine what, if any, violations of international law occurred and whether U.S. domestic law has been […]

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  • Wolf and Khalidi: Citizen Action Key to Change

    Thomas Cincotta, NLG IC Staffperson Two Yale and Oxford-educated scholars, Rashid Khalidi* and Naomi Wolf**, addressed one hundred-fifty National Lawyers Guild (NLG) members and concerned citizens on January 23, 2009. Wolf and Khalidi shared their visions of how to restore the Constitution in the United States and achieve freedom for the Palestinian people. The event […]

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  • No Impunity for Israeli War Crimes: Guild issues leaflet on Israeli violations of international law

    Israel’s invasion of Gaza represents a massive violation of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war and combat. DOWNLOAD THE NLG LEAFLET HERE: NLG Gaza Legal Leaflet – Front Page NLG Gaza Legal Leaflet […]

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  • Emergency delegation to Gaza: NLG to Lead Fact-Finding Legal Delegation to Gaza

    Israel’s recent invasion of the Gaza Strip has killed over 1300 Gazans and wounded over 5000. Reports have emerged of Israeli forces bulldozing homes, firing on ambulances, and shelling United Nations sites in addition to mosques, schools and other civilian structures. The delegation will be in Gaza for approximately 7-9 days. Delegates should prepare to […]

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  • Anatomy of A War Crime: Single Deadliest Day in Gaza Since 1967

    New York City Labor Against the War Israel launched air strikes on Gaza for a second day on Sunday, December 28, 2008, piling pressure on Hamas after killing more than 270 people in one of the bloodiest days in 60 years of conflict between the Palestinians and the Jewish state. “The Amount of Death and […]

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  • Israeli Navy Attacks Civilian Mercy Ship

    The Dignity, a boat traveling with the Free Gaza Movement, is rammed by Israeli Navy The Dignity was been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage. Contrary to international maritime law, […]

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