• Maryland organizations protest anti-BDS executive order

    Both the Maryland and DC chapters of the National Lawyers Guild signed on to a letter to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, in response to him signing a new anti-BDS executive order that attempts to sanction the growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel over its violations of Palestinian human rights. The executive order […]

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  • NLG International denounces U.S. withdrawal from UNESCO

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee denounces in the strongest terms the actions of United States President Donald Trump in withdrawing from UNESCO—the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The withdrawal of the United States from UNESCO in an attempt to suppress and delegitimize global support for the protection of Palestinian culture is an […]

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  • October 21, Minneapolis – Parallel Liberation Struggles: Lessons in Resistance

    Saturday, Oct. 21 10:00 am – 5:00 pm University of Minnesota, Keller Hall Room 3-201 200 Union Street SE Minneapolis, MN Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1630066917014887/ Registration: 9:30 am, Lunch provided People under oppression suffer from three types of violence (Johan Galtung): Structural violence, direct violence, cultural violence, as in Genocide, Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing (Raphael Lemkin) Join […]

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  • Palestinian human rights defender Issa Amro imprisoned by Palestinian Authority

    The National Lawyers Guild is part of the campaign to free Issa Amro, a Palestinian human rights defender active with Youth Against Settlements (YAS) in Hebron. He is facing 18 charges by an Israeli military court for participating in and leading popular demonstrations against the settlements. However, on September 4, Issa was arrested by the […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild International Statement in Support of Palestinian Professor Rabab Abdulhadi

    Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi of San Francisco State University (SFSU), along with several campus administrators, is named as a defendant in a lawsuit filed by the Lawfare Project on June 19, 2017. The lawsuit makes the unsubstantiated claim that the SFSU College of Ethnic Studies, created as the result of the 1968 student strike and which […]

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  • NLG and partners issue letter to Congress against Israel Anti-Boycott Act

    The National Lawyers Guild has joined with legal and human rights organizations across the US in opposition to the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720 and H.R. 1697). The Act has received press attention and criticism from an array of civil rights and legal organizations because of its unconstitutional bans and criminal penalties for political speech, […]

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  • Open Letter to U.N. Secretary-General on Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike

    The National Lawyers Guild joined the Center for Constitutional Rights, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Federation for Human Rights and Palestine Legal to write an open letter to the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, on the 37th day of a hunger strike by Palestinians in Israeli prison. The letter urged the UN to call […]

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  • 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW to support Palestinian hunger strikers!

    National Lawyers Guild, International  joins USPCN Call for a Week of Action in support of 1500 Palestinian political prisoners entering their 37th day on hunger strike! As the over 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners enter their 37th day on hunger strike, the risks to their health are increasingly grave, so urgent actions in solidarity are of critical importance.  […]

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  • Letter of Support for Palestinian Hunger Strikers from Lawyers, Legal Workers, Law Students and Legal Organizations

    Over 200 lawyers, law students, legal workers and legal organizations have come together to sign the following letter in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons. Additional signatures are welcome – you may sign on at the form, or send your signature to international@nlg.org. *** We, the undersigned lawyers, legal organizations, law students and […]

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  • April 27: Call for Lawyers/Legal Workers/Law Students in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners – One Day Hunger Strike

    On April 27, 2017, join the National Lawyers Guild for a day of legal solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. Over 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners have launched a hunger strike for their basic human rights. Their demands include the right to receive family visits without denial; appropriate medical care and treatment; and an […]

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