Will Israel’s Gaza Massacres Finally Prod the ICC into Action?
The following article – containing interviews with Suzanne Adely, International Committee co-chair and Audrey Bomse, Palestine Subcommitee co-chair – was originally published at Mint Press News on October 26th, 2018. We republish the article below: By Joe Catron THE HAGUE — As the Great March of Return by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip nears its eighth month, […]
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Sign on: International Lawyers Campaign for the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crimes Committed Against the Palestinian People
The National Lawyers Guild – a member of IADL – is an endorser of the following statement. We urge members and supporters to also join the statement, open to signatures by lawyers, jurists, law students, legal workers, legal organizations, trainee lawyers and law academics, among others: We, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers,1 invite you to […]
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Video: Full Webinar on Global Repression of Dissent – Palestine, Puerto Rico and the Philippines
The NLG’s National Office has made available a full recording of this webinar on global repression and resistance, filmed on 3 August 2018. Panelists from the NLG International Committee who discussed state and corporate repression of people’s movements in Palestine, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. (Other recordings of previous NLG webinars are available for streaming at the […]
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NLG, Rights Groups Tell Universities Across the U.S. to Stand Up For Students and Faculty Under Attack
The following post is reposted in its majority from Palestine Legal: https://palestinelegal.org/news/rights-groups-tell-universities-protect-free-speech The NLG, Palestine Legal and 13 national civil rights and social justice groups wrote to 280 U.S. universities this week to demand that they take forceful action to protect free speech in response to targeted harassment by right-wing Israel advocacy groups. The letter describes the climate […]
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NLG-IC Joins Letter Demanding NYC Bar Association Rescind Invitation to Israeli Apartheid Leader, Dani Dayan
Global Justice and Human Rights Network April 16, 2018 The New York City Bar Association ATTN: Senior Lawyers Committee, Barry Bloom, Chair New York, NY 10036 customerservice@nycbar.org cfavorite@nycbar.org efriedman@nycbar.org f.: 212-869-4451 t.: 212.382.6600 RE: A Conversation with Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General of Israel in New York: Public Affairs Luncheon Dear Senior Lawyers Committee of […]
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NLG denounces Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem, urges freedom for detained Palestinian lawyers
Please note: As of Monday, 11 December, the three lawyers were released after one week in interrogation. The National Lawyers Guild expresses its strongest condemnation of the latest illegal and dangerous declaration of U.S President Donald Trump purporting to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli state. This move seeks to legitimize occupation and […]
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NLG IC letter to US State Department on Gaza electricity crisis
The National Lawyers Guild International Committee sent the following letter to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, urging action in response to the humanitarian crisis for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip created by the siege on Gaza and the ongoing electricity crisis caused by punitive actions by Israel, the Occupying Power, as well as by […]
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Maryland organizations protest anti-BDS executive order
Both the Maryland and DC chapters of the National Lawyers Guild signed on to a letter to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, in response to him signing a new anti-BDS executive order that attempts to sanction the growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel over its violations of Palestinian human rights. The executive order […]
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NLG International denounces U.S. withdrawal from UNESCO
The National Lawyers Guild International Committee denounces in the strongest terms the actions of United States President Donald Trump in withdrawing from UNESCO—the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The withdrawal of the United States from UNESCO in an attempt to suppress and delegitimize global support for the protection of Palestinian culture is an […]
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October 21, Minneapolis – Parallel Liberation Struggles: Lessons in Resistance
Saturday, Oct. 21 10:00 am – 5:00 pm University of Minnesota, Keller Hall Room 3-201 200 Union Street SE Minneapolis, MN Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1630066917014887/ Registration: 9:30 am, Lunch provided People under oppression suffer from three types of violence (Johan Galtung): Structural violence, direct violence, cultural violence, as in Genocide, Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing (Raphael Lemkin) Join […]
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