Response to Ms. Loida Lewis from IPT Convener National Lawyers Guild
The National Lawyers Guild, as a convenor of the International People’s Tribunal (IPT), wishes to respond to the comments made by Ms. Loida Nicolas Lewis on Balitang America following the verdict of the IPT finding the Aquino and US Governments are: 1. GUILTY of gross human rights violations involving the civil and political rights of […]
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International Verdict Declares Philippine President Aquino Guilty
WASHINGTON DC– Azadeh Shahshahani, prominent human rights attorney and author, delivered the verdict declaring Philippine President Aquino and the U.S. Government, as represented by President Obama, “GUILTY of gross and systematic violations of human rights.” “Over the past two long, painful and enraging days, We have closely and keenly listened, watched, seen, asked, pondered on […]
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International Tribunal to Hear Rights Violations in the Philippines
The National Lawyers Guild and International Association of Democratic Lawyers are among the co-convenors of an international tribunal to try cases of human rights violations under the presidency of Benigno S. Aquino III, launched on March 12 at the University of the Philippines, Diliman Quezon City. Dubbed as the International Peoples’ Tribunal (IPT), the initiative […]
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NLG Members attend COLAP V in Manila
On September 18 and 19, more than 250 attorneys from 23 countries gathered in Manila to attend the fifth Conference of Lawyers in the Asia Pacific (COLAP V). The conference sponsored by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers was organized this year by the National Union of People’s Lawyers of the Philippines (NUPL). Though the […]
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NLG Philippines Election Delegation Publishes Report
In early May, 2010, a seven member delegation from the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) in the U.S. traveled to the Philippines to observe their 2010 elections. This trip was part of a broader effort by the NLG to work in solidarity with human rights lawyers and people’s organizations in the Philippines. The NLG delegation found […]
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Philippine Elections Rife with Violence, Irregularities and Voting System Malfunctions
New York: Seven members of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) observed pre-electoral and election-day conditions during the Philippines’ historic election last week and found widespread irregularities, a high potential for fraud, voter machine breakdowns, military intimidation and a deadly gun battle inside the poll. NLG observers joined over 80 other observers from 12 different countries […]
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National Lawyers Guild Election Observation Delegation Arrives in the Philippines
A delegation of seven members of the National Lawyers Guild arrived in Manila this week and will join several hundred international election observers to monitor the nation’s historic May 10, 2010 elections. Guild members are expected to be posted in areas throughout the archipelago, including Visayas, Luzon and Mindanao, where electoral violence and corruption are […]
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NLG Delegation to the Philippines to Observe the May 2010 Elections
The Philippines Subcommittee is organizing a delegation of election observers in coordination with the People’s International Observers Mission 2010 (PIOM). Philippines elections are historically marked by rampant and deliberate use of fraud, violence, terrorism and wealth by the elite and traditional politicians to perpetuate their hold on power. This election season will be no different, […]
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Morong 43 lawyers to appeal CA decision Lawyers statement on the Court of Appeals decision on the habeas corpus petition of 43 health workers
Lawyers of the Morong 43 will appeal to the Supreme Court the decision of the Court of Appeals denying their petition for habeas corpus. We have no other recourse but to elevate the case to the Highest Court, lawyers from the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) and the National Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL) headed […]
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2009 Report on the Human Rights Situtation in the Philippines by Karapatan
Karapatan, an alliance of individuals, groups and organizations working for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Philippines, has released its 2009 year end report on the Human Rights Situation in the Philippines. The Report is entitled Oplan Bantay Laya: Blueprint for Terror and Impunity. The report concludes that the U.S.-backed Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo […]
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