• Prominent lawyers and legal organizations call for protective measures and safe passage for Bolivian citizen Juan Ramon Quintana

    Spanish The National Lawyers Guild (NLG), The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and the American Association of Jurists (AAJ) strongly condemn the politically motivated persecution by the de facto regime in Bolivia against members of former president Evo Morales’s government, in particular, former Minister of the Presidency and Ambassador Juan Ramón Quintana, and the […]

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  • NLG IC statement on the arrest of Max Blumenthal, the attack on Venezuela and the repression of dissent

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee strongly condemns the arrest of independent journalist Max Blumenthal. Blumenthal was arrested from his Washington, DC, home by a large group of police on October 25, held in jail for two days and denied access to an attorney throughout this period. Reporting on his arrest, Blumenthal noted that the […]

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  • NLG Statement in Solidarity with the People of Chile

    (En Español abajo) The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) of the United States expresses its solidarity with the Chilean people and strongly condemns the brutal repression with which the government of Chilean President Piñera is responding to the people’s demands for democracy and economic justice. We express our support for our sister organization, the Association of […]

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  • NLG and IADL greet National Union of People’s Lawyers of the Philippines

    The National Lawyers Guild and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers sent greetings to the Fifth Congress of the National Union of People’s Lawyers in the Philippines from the 2019 Law for the People convention in Durham, North Carolina. NLG IC co-chairs Jackelyn Mariano, Suzanne Adely and Jeanne Mirer – also the President of the […]

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  • International Committee Schedule for the Law For the People Convention 2019 in Durham!

    The following schedule contains items organized or co-organized by the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, its working groups and subcommittees.    There are many more events of interest to IC members taking place at the Convention, including the Plenaries, Anti-Racism Training, TUPOCC Meeting, Welcome reception honoring Brigada Legal Solidaria and Denyse Sabagh, Keynote […]

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  • Statement of International Solidarity with the People’s Movement in Algeria

    The National Lawyers Guild is a signatory of the following statement: The Algerian anti-colonial revolution was a catalyst for liberation struggles around the world. Algeria has strayed far from that historic mission and the people’s independence was confiscated by a comprador military-oligarchic elite that, for decades, has dispossessed, pauperized and stifled Algerians and Algerian political […]

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  • NLG Releases Report Documenting Human Rights Violations of Asylum Seekers at the Southern Border

    The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) has released the report, Stranded: Forced Migration, Illegal Barriers to Asylum, and the Humanitarian Crisis in Tijuana, documenting human rights abuses of migrants observed during a March 2019 NLG International Committee fact-finding delegation. The team traveled to Tijuana, Mexico, and San Diego, California with the aim of investigating and illuminating the injustices and human rights […]

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  • Report: The Lasalin Massacre and the Human Rights Crisis in Haiti

    NLG San Francisco Bay Area president and NLG International Committee member Judith Mirkinson participated in an April fact-finding trip to Haiti on the Lasalin Massacre. The NLG and the Haiti Action Committee released the following report documenting their findings, The Lasalin Massacre and the Human Rights Crisis in Haiti. “The Lasalin massacre was designed to punish and destroy a neighborhood long known as […]

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  • The Debt of Justice: Delay in Berta Cáceres case causes concern

    Paris, Tegucigalpa – May 29, 2019.- Six months ago today, seven men were found guilty of the murder of indigenous Lenca leader and human rights defender Berta Caceres and the attempted murder of Mexican environmental activist, Gustavo Castro who was also injured in the attack on March 2, 2016. Members of the Mission that observed […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild International Statement on the Venezuelan Embassy and U.S. Sanctions

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee unequivocally condemns the threats posed by the government of the United States and Washington D.C. Police Department to the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.  We also condemn the unilateral financial sanctions imposed by the U.S. government intended to force “regime change” in Venezuela by limiting people’s access […]

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