March 25, Webinar: The Role of Lawyers and Legal Workers in Building a United Front to Challenge the Systems of Fascism
The Role of Lawyers & Legal Workers in BUILDING a UNITED FRONT to CHALLENGE the SYSTEMS of FASCISM A Conversation with People’s Lawyers from Mississippi, Brazil, Turkey and the Philippines March 25th 1 pm Brazil time, 12 pm ET, 11 am CT, 9 am PT Register Here : bit.ly/lawyersagainstfascism Speakers include: Jaribu Hill, Mississippi Workers Center for Human […]
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National Lawyers Guild Statement on the Attempted Coup in Brazil
The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) condemns the attempted coup d’état in Brazil on Sunday, January 8th. Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro, including election deniers and pro-fascist coup mongers, invaded the Brazilian Congress, Supreme Court and Presidential building causing significant damage to the buildings and their contents including national artistic treasures. The coupists actions […]
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Friday, Dec. 10, Webinar: Food Sovereignty and Peoples’ Struggle for Liberation, Palestine – Jackson – Brazil
The following event was organized by NLG President Suzanne Adely and NLG IC Steering Committee member Jeff Frank. Please join and share: *en español abajo FOOD SOVEREIGNTY & Peoples’ Struggle for LIBERATION PALESTINE – JACKSON – BRAZIL A conversation on Food Sovereignty and our local, national, global, political Struggles for Liberation In Solidarity with the […]
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Sign on: Protest the attacks on Dayvid Bacelar, coordinator of the United Federation of Oil Workers in Sao Francisco do Conde, Bahia, Brazil
This open letter and sign-on statement is initiated by the National Lawyers Guild International Committee, the National Lawyers Guild Labor and Employment Committee and the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Sign on: http://bit.ly/brazilletter We welcome all signatures from legal and human rights organizations, lawyers, legal workers, law students and labor rights advocates. PLEASE SIGN BEFORE […]
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270 Deaths Foretold: Report highlights corporate responsibility for Brumadinho dam collapse in Brazil
“The Collapse was predictable. It was not an act of God or Nature. That this was predictable heightens our pain. The event is not in the past, it is in the present, [while it also] lives in people’s memories and in their pain. We live with that collapsed dam in people’s hearts.” – Auxiliary Bishop […]
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Video: “Fighting Fascism” panel at the 2018 Law for the People Convention
The following video is an excerpt from the panel on the rise of global fascist threats at the 2018 Law for the People convention in Portland, Oregon. The presentations here highlight some of the key issues in the United States and around the world and are meant to spark discussion about strategies to defend peoples […]
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Video: The Coup in Brazil – Hidden from the Headlines
This video presents the entire October 6 event in Washington, DC on the coup in Brazil, organized by the Institute for Policy Studies, the National Lawyers Guild DC Chapter and the Center for Economic and Policy Research; one of the speakers is Azadeh Shahshahani, past NLG president and juror in the International Tribunal on Democracy […]
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NLG’s Azadeh Shahshahani to join International Tribunal for Democracy in Brazil
Rio de Janeiro – Brazil is going through a critical moment in its political and institutional history – the process of impeachment against the President of the Republic Dilma Rousseff, unleashed in the Chamber of Deputies, now facing a decision in the Senate. The process of impeachment of the head of state in the presidential structure, unlike […]
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National Lawyers Guild Statement on the Impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff
The National Lawyers Guild condemns the institutional coup d’état in the form of the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. On April 17, 2016 the pro-coup forces in the Cámara dos Deputados (Chamber of Deputies, the lower house in the Brazilian Congress) secured the 2/3 vote necessary to begin the impeachment process, to be […]
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