Thursday, April 14, 2016
12:30pm to 2:00pm
Harvard University
Taubman 275 – Kalb Seminar Room
Cambridge, MA 02138
In this rare visit to the United States, leading Palestinian human rights defenders Raji Sourani and Shawan Jabarin will provide timely perspectives from the ground in Gaza and the dynamic situation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. They will also discuss ongoing efforts to protect basic human rights and struggles for accountability for widespread violations, including before the International Criminal Court.
Raji Sourani, Founder and Director, Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Gaza
Shawan Jabarin, Director, al-Haq, Ramallah
Moderated by Sara Roy, Senior Research Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University.
Co-sponsored by the Carr Center for Human Rights and the Middle East Forum, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and Center for Constitutional Rights