Organized by the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity:
From April 18 to the 22, 2016, Human rights activists, lawyers, members of labor unions, authors, students and organizers will gather in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress to push for improving U.S. relations with Cuba.
Sign Up! Let us know you are coming to be included on one of our advocacy teams. We will take care of the details, like setting the appointments with members of congress and providing an orientation for everyone participating.
Sign Up! Attend the Forum “Through Cuban Eyes“. This evening event will give you an an opportunity to interact with our Cuban guests.
Friday April 22, 7:00-9:00pm – Doors open at 6:00pm
UDC David A. Clarke School of Law
4340 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008
5th floor, Room 506
Keynote Speaker: José Ramón Cabañas, Cuban Ambassador in Washington DC
Invited Guests from Cuba:
- Cuban medical professionals who participated in the fight against Ebola in West Africa
- Luisa Campos, Director of the Havana Literacy Museum
- Jorgito Jerez, Journalism student, and
- A Representative of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People (ICAP)
And don’t miss the Washington D.C. film premiere of “The Power of the Weak“, the story of Jorge, “Jorgito” Jérez, who was born with Cerebral Palsyin Cuba in 1993. The movie shows how a society structured to support human development can make the disabled powerful. Meet the fimmaker Tobias Kriele and Jorgito at the film viewings.
Film Premiere in Washington DC:
This documentary by German filmmaker Tobias Kriele, tells the story of Jorge, “Jorgito” Jérez, born in Cuba in 1993 during the special period with Cerebral Palsy. The movie shows how a society structured to support human development can make the disabled powerful. Provided with care from birth by Cuba’s health care and education system, Jorgito is now a self-sufficient, independent young journalist contributing to Cuban society. Tobias Kriele and Jorgito will be at the viewings in D.C.
Wednesday April 20 @ 7:00pm-8:30pm
American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Ward Building, Ward 2
Washington, DC 20016
Thursday April 21 @ 4:00pm-6:00 pm
University of District of Columbia
4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Bldg 41, Room A-03
Washington, DC 20008
- Make a donation to support the work of the International Committee.
- Organize an event in your community during April 18-22
- Visit the local offices of your elected official.