• Haiti Committee Annual Report

    MEMORANDUM To: NLG International Committee From: Haiti Subcommittee Date: December 25, 2010 Re: Annual Report The Haiti Subcommittee has had a busy year. Although Haiti was devastated repeatedly by natural and political disasters, the progressive legal community in the United States stepped up to the task in solidarity with our Haitian colleagues including many Guild […]

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  • US will pay for Haitian vote fraud

    Brian Concannon and Jeena Shah, Boston Globe THE DECISION last Thursday to recount the votes in Haiti’s disputed elections is like rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. As this week’s continued protests demonstrate, it will not avoid the catastrophe. Resolving Haiti’s election woes requires the financial backers of the flawed election process — especially the […]

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  • Letters supporting labor rights submitted to Mexican High Commissioner

    On Wednesday, November 24, 2010, a press conference was organized in Mexico City to announce the submission of 51 letters from prominent labor and human rights organizations, law firms, law professors and judges, requesting intervention in order to ensure a meaningful harmonization of national legislation with the international commitments assumed by Mexico in the area […]

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  • National Lawyers Guild Demands an End to Persecution of French BDS Activists

    Monday, November 29th marked UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – while in France, it marked the trial of 12 Palestine solidarity activists for promoting the boycott of Israeli goods. In 2007, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) adopted a resolution that, among other determinations, urged divestment from Israel and boycott of all […]

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  • Resources and Documents on the Human Rights Framework

    5The following resources and documents on the Human Rights framework are meant to be used to encourage discussion and action in the Guild to utilize human rights law in order to protect, ensure and expand economic and social rights. Resources Guild Visioning Committee Concept Paper on Human Rights – Using Human Rights to Build the […]

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  • International Committee Webinar highlights “material support” laws

    The International Committee held a webinar with CCR Senior Managing Attorney Shayana Kadidal on Wednesday, November 17 on HLP v. Holder, material support, and international solidarity activism. The webinar audio is now available for listening/download. The webinar may be downloaded here: http://nlginternational.org/audio/hlp-v-holder-shayana-kadidal.mp3 Recent events have raised many questions for international solidarity activists whose work challenges […]

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  • NLG urges ratification of CEDAW

    The National Lawyers Guild sent a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary on November 16, 2010 urging that the U.S. ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Signed by NLG President David Gespass, the letter points out that the U.S.’s claimed commitment to women’s rights […]

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  • NLG upholds Puerto Rican rights

    The National Lawyers Guild sent a copy of its resolution on Puerto Rico to President Barack Obama on November 12, 2010. In his letter, NLG President David Gespass reiterated the Guild’s commitment to Puerto Rican rights, including independence and self-determination, and urged the release of Puerto Rican political prisoners. Resolution on NLG Solidarity with Puerto […]

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  • Human and Trade Union Rights Delegation to Colombia

    Come and join the National Lawyers Guild and the Alliance for Global Justice delegation to investigate the human and trade union rights situation in Colombia on May 27-June 5, 2011. Help us report back on the humanitarian and labor rights of Colombians and the United States’ role in the internal politics of Colombia. The delegation […]

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  • International Tribunal Supports Mexican Labor Movement

    The International Tribunal on Freedom of Association was formed in September 2009 to investigate allegations of gross violations of fundamental human rights by the Mexican government, acting in complicity with transnational corporations and official unions, against the workers and leaders of Mexico’s independent trade union movement. The accusations range from armed attacks on independent unions […]

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