• NLG demands release of Gabnet 3 – US-based activists being held in the Philippines

    On August 5, Dr. Annalisa Enrile, a U.S. citizen, was stopped from boarding her return flight home to Los Angeles from Manila. Dr. Enrile is the national chair of GABNet. Two other leaders of GABNet who are scheduled to depart on Tuesday, August 14, are reportedly also on the hold list: internationally acclaimed writer Ninotchka […]

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  • Cuban Five at the US Social Forum

    Marjorie Cohn On June 28, lead Cuban Five counsel and longtime National Lawyers Guild member Leonard Weinglass and I participated in a workshop at the US Social Forum. Another member of the legal team, attorney Roberto Gonzáles, also spoke. Roberto’s brother René is one of the Five. For more than 40 years, anti-Cuba terrorist organizations […]

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  • Torture on Trial in Arizona: Motion to Dismiss Memo Gives Shocking Overview of Torture Training

    Bill Quigley I am representing two priests in a federal criminal trial for protesting outside Ft. Huachuca, AZ – home of Military Intelligence. They were protesting the interrogation training that goes on there in light of its effects at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. Torture Trial Memo The following memo is an overview of the teaching […]

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  • Guild Responds to Repression in Oaxaca with Call for Action

    Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer From June 7 to 11, 2007, NLG President Marjorie Cohn, IADL Secretary General Jeanne Mirer and Oscar Alzaga, President of the Association of Democratic Lawyers of Mexico, went to Oaxaca to discuss ways our organizations could provide concrete support to the lawyers who are defending the victims of government repression […]

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  • Repression in Oaxaca: One Year Anniversary of State’s Bloody Attack on Popular Movements

    Marjorie Cohn There’s an Aztec legend of a warrior who was in love with a princess. When he left to go into battle, the lovers promised each other eternal love. The warrior died in battle, but to fulfill his promise to the princess, he came back as a brilliant orange flower. That flower now graces […]

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  • Guild Lawyers Participate in Human Rights Delegation to Oaxaca; Guild Follows up with Support for Human Rights Organization

    Robin Alexander and Jennifer Harbury Last May some 70,000 teachers in Oaxaca went on strike. Their demands included raising the wages of teachers working in the state to a level commensurate with a higher cost of living, as well as assistance to students from impoverished regions. When their demands were not met, the teachers set […]

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  • Haitian Death Squad Leader’s Plea Thrown Out

    DECISION TO TOSS PLEA MADE AFTER CJA SUBMITTED EVIDENCE DETAILING EMMANUEL CONSTANT’S RECORD OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES (Brooklyn, NY: May 22, 2007): Today, the judge in the mortgage fraud case of former Haitian death-squad leader Emmanuel “Toto” Constant dropped Constant’s plea bargain and ordered him to stand trial. If convicted, Constant could now face five […]

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  • Guild Calls for Solidarity Actions with Agent Orange Victims

    National Tour Heads to Various Cities and NY Court Hearing The International Committee is co-sponsoring a national tour of Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims to build solidarity for a June hearing in the case against U.S. chemical companies on behalf of the victims. The tour will visit various cities and end with the June 18th hearing […]

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  • NLG to U.S.: Prosecute or Extradite Luis Posada Carriles

    On Tuesday May 8, U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone dismissed perjury charges against Luis Posada Carriles. Posada is a Cuban-born terrorist and long-time CIA agent who boasted of helping to detonate deadly bombs in Havana hotels 10 years ago, and was the alleged mastermind of a 1976 bombing of a civilian Cuban airplane that […]

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  • Human Rights Crisis Continues in the Philippines: Women Lawyers Release Update of Report

    The findings of the delegation’s visit to the Philippines were originally set forth in Seeking Answers: Probing Political Persecution, Repression & Human Rights Violations in the Philippines, published in September 2006. Since that time, the authors have continued to monitor developments in the Philippines, and remain concerned about the rising number of extrajudicial killings and […]

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