• Guild Renews Boycott Call in Wake of Flotilla Massacre: U.S. Government Backs Rogue State

    New York: The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) renews its call for a complete boycott of Israel in light of the latest unjustified assault on peaceful humanitarian assistance to the residents of Gaza in which at least ten human rights workers were killed. The NLG has supported the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel […]

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  • Abdallah Abu Rahmah: Letter from Ofer Military Prison

    In a letter conveyed by his lawyers from his prison cell, the coordinator of Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall and the Settlements, addresses his friends and supporters. Dear Friends and Supporters, It has been two months now since I was handcuffed, blindfolded, and taken from my home. Today news has reached Ofer Military Prison […]

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  • Irish Ship “Rachel Corrie” Joins Free Gaza Fleet: Humanitarian Flotilla Sails in May

    Press Release, Wednesday, March 31, Free Gaza Movement, Ireland — More info here. Free Gaza Movement to Launch Cargo Ship from Ireland Yesterday the Free Gaza Movement bought a 1200 tonne cargo ship at an auction in Dundalk, Ireland. The vessel had been impounded a year ago following an inspection by the International Transport Federation […]

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  • NLG Members urged to Contact Congress Immediately and Write Editorials on Gaza

    Steve Goldberg According to a report in Saturday’s Oregonian, the House of Representatives is poised to pass a nonbinding resolution (House Resolution 867) condemning the U.N. report on war crimes committed by Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The House should unequivocally reject this resolution and the United States government should resolutely support consideration […]

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  • Defending Human Rights Defenders Joint Report by Addammeer, Stop the Wall, & NLG

    Addameer, Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, & NLG submit report on Israeli suppression of Palestinian human rights activism against the Wall for UN investigation. I ntervention by Special Rapporteurs Sought Ramallah, 9 February 2010 ~ Special Rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Council should intervene with relevant Israeli authorities in all cases of Palestinian human rights […]

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  • Two Important Resources on Gaza: Links to IADL White Paper & NLG Gaza Delegation Report

    A White Paper by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers explains the reasoning and legal bases underlying IADL’s condemnation of the Israeli bombardment and invasion of Gaza. And a Final Report by the NLG’s Delegation to Gaza states the evidence establishing the case that the Israeli military committed significant violations of international law. Important New […]

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  • Guild Joins Many NGOs in Letter to Asst. Secretary Posner

    Foreign Assistance Act Mandates Report to Congress on Israel’s Human Rights Record The Foreign Assistance Act mandates the U.S. Department of State to report annually to Congress on the human rights records of all states receiving foreign assistance. Multiple NGOs, including the Guild, addressed concerns about Israel to the Obama administration’s new Assistant Secretary of […]

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  • Guild Urges Egypt to Heed International Law Obligations on Gaza Marchers & Convoy

    Safe Passage for All Gaza Freedom March Members and Entire Viva Palestina Convoy If the Government of Egypt fails to allow passage to Gaza of the entire Viva Palestina aid convoy of 250 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies, and all 1,400 members of the Gaza Freedom March, it may be in breach of its obligations under […]

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  • Help the Guild Defend Imprisoned Palestinian Human Rights Defenders

    Defend Human Rights Defenders in Palestine: Read & download the Flyer on the Anti-Wall Prisoners and Imprisoned Human Rights Defenders Palestinian human rights defenders, particularly those involved in campaigns of mass popular struggle against the Israeli annexation wall, have recently been targeted, at an escalating rate, for political imprisonment – including prominent, internationally-known spokespeople and […]

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  • Video: NLG Delgation to Gaza: Report to NLG Convention

    Video of presentations by Radhika Sainath, Reem Salahi, Tom Nelson, and James Leas  

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