• Honduras: Guapinol water defenders remain at risk despite IACHR precautionary measures

    Nine months after the IACHR issued Precautionary Measures on behalf of 30 human rights defenders at risk, their situation has worsened because the Honduran State has failed to implement any effective protective measures. July 23, 2024 Despite the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issuance of Precautionary Measures in October 2023, the Honduran government has […]

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  • Sign On: Demand Immediate Attention to Situation of Risk for Defenders in Honduras

    Español aqui. Sign the statement to demand immediate attention to the situation of risk against river defenders in Guapinol, Sector San Pedro and Tocoa. No more lethal and unpunished extractivism! Our solidarity with the family of Oqueli Dominguez and those who accompany the struggle. Sign here: https://forms.gle/zHSd7MZukPDSRQsT8 The Observatory for Justice of the Guapinol River […]

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  • 100+ Organizations Sign Call for Justice After the Murder of 2 Water Defenders in Honduras

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee is part of the Observatory for Justice for the Guapinol Water Defenders. The Observatory is made up of the following groups: ● Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL). ● CIVICUS ● International Human Rights Law Clinic, University of Virginia School of Law, US ● International Committee of the […]

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  • Sign on to Organizational Statement on Killing of Honduran Anti-Mining Water Defenders

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee — represented by Emily Yozell — is part of the Observatory for Justice for the Guapinol Water Defenders. The Observatory is made up of the following groups: ● Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL). ● CIVICUS ● International Human Rights Law Clinic, University of Virginia School of Law, […]

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  • Guapinol Water Defenders in Honduras – 2/22/22 Case Update

      The 8 Water Defenders of the Guapinol and San Pedro Rivers have been in detention since 2019 on charges related to their peaceful opposition to a mining project, inside the Carlos Escaleras National Park in Bajo Aguan region of Honduras, that polluted the rivers their community depends upon. On September 7, 2018 their protest […]

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  • Honduran Supreme Court holds Guapinol Defender trial violates international human rights obligations

    The NLG-IC, member of Observatory for Justice of the Guapinol and San Pedro River Defenders in Colón, Honduras, welcomes the Court decisions published yesterday by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Judicial Court of Honduras. The rulings resolved two outstanding amparo actions (requests for injunctive relief) presented by the environmentalists’ defense during 2020 and 2021 […]

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  • Honduras: Guapinol Water defenders trial concludes Friday Feb 4th, NLG IC issues letter to US Embassy

    On Wednesday, Feb. 2, the National Lawyers Guild International Committee, which has been working with a number of human rights organizations in the framework of the Observatory for Justice for the Guapinol River Defenders, sent an urgent letter to U.S. human rights attache to Honduras, Ariel Jahner, urging action on the case. These men have […]

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  • NLG IC joins amicus brief for Guapinol water defenders in Honduras

    International experts urge the Supreme Court of Justice to put an end to the arbitrary detention of the Guapinol River Defenders in Honduras and to respond to habeas corpus appeal December 15, 2021 Today, before the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Honduras, the National Lawyers Guild International Committee was among nine […]

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  • NLG IC joins statement calling for justice in Berta Caceres case in Honduras

    The National Lawyers Guild International Committee is a signatory of the following statement: Español aquí The Expert Observation Mission in the Berta Cáceres Case calls on the Sentencing Court to issue the sentence in accordance with the conviction handed down 3 months ago today against Roberto David Castillo Mejía for the murder of Berta Isabel […]

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  • NLG condemns US continuing interference in Nicaragua and its democratic process

    The International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, the oldest and largest human rights bar association of the United States, makes the following statement condemning US continuing interference in Nicaragua and its democratic process. The Guild notes that this conduct by the United States is in clear and direct violation of international law, including but not limited to the jus cogens rights of […]

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