February 23-26, 2017
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Colegio de Abogados – 808 Avenida Juan Ponce De Leon, San Juan, Puerto Rico
**A side trip is being coordinated after the Retreat to travel to Cuba and to connect with a portion of the Labor and Employment Committee delegation in Havana. If you are interested in joining the side delegation to Cuba, please email Susan Scott at syscott@sonic.net**
The National Lawyers Guild will convene its International Weekend this year in San Juan, Puerto Rico! The International Weekend is an opportunity to learn about the Guild’s international work around the world – from Latin America to Palestine to Turkey to Egypt to the Philippines and more – and in the United States, where the Guild’s International Committee and affiliated Subcommittees works on Environmental Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, the human rights framework and holding the U.S. government accountable. It’s also an opportunity to focus on the struggles of Puerto Rico against U.S. colonialism, odious debt – and celebrate the victory of Oscar Lopez Rivera and the Puerto Rican people’s movement.
The event will begin with a gathering on Thursday evening, 23 February, followed by discussions and presentations until Sunday, 26 February.
– Return to Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico (PR Bar Association) for an afternoon session discussing and debriefing the economic and fiscal crisis, the federal fiscal control board and resistance.
– Evening mixer with the CAAPR Board of Directors and dinner
The International Weekend will include in-depth presentations on Puerto Rico and other international movements and struggles. It is also an opportunity for business meetings and strategy discussions to direct the future of the Guild’s International work.
Organized by the National Lawyers Guild International Committee: http://nlginternational.org.