Sept. 25, Webinar: Understanding the RICO Indictments Against Stop Cop City Activists
Webinar: Understanding the RICO Indictments Against Stop Cop City Activists Monday, September 25 7 pm ET/4 pm PT via Zoom Register: https://bit.ly/copcityrico On September 5, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr filed indictments against 61 people on RICO charges, as well as domestic terrorism and money laundering allegations, for allegedly being part of the movement to […]
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Video: NLG Conversation with Jalil Muntaqim and Jihad Abdulmumit
On Friday September 8th, the National Lawyers Guild was honored to be joined by two former political prisoners from the Black Panther Movement & organizers of the Spirit of Mandela campaign, which is bringing international attention to U.S. human rights violations of Black, Brown, Indigenous People, and U.S.-held political prisoners. The conversation was moderated by […]
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Donate: Send NLG Representatives to the African Bar Association Conference
From August 6-10 in Pretoria, South Africa, the African Bar Association conference will bring together thousands of lawyers on the African continent. Please donate below to support the NLG’s participation in this important conference! Kerry McLean, international human rights lawyer and NLG International Committee co-chair, has been invited to attend the conference, speak and […]
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May 26, Webinar: DDPA Teach-In: Demystifying the Durban Declaration & Programme of Action
DDPA Teach-In: Demystifying the Durban Declaration & Programme of Action Friday, May 26th at 12 pm Eastern time Register here for the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsf–spzMqG9OMgmgqgy-PlpgbKNufQYoY At the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa a historic document was adopted by consensus. The Durban Declaration & Programme of Action (DDPA) is a comprehensive document […]
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May 3: New York City EMLER Hearings – Attend in Person or Watch the Livestream
What: The United Nations is doing an official visit in New York City! During this meeting with civil society on May 3, they will hear from Black directly impacted community members regarding police violence and systemic racism against people of African descent. The UN will also, separately, meet with government officials and other stakeholders. Themes: Families of […]
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January 28: Public Launch – People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades and Economic Coercive Measures
The National Lawyers Guild and its International Committee are excited to co-sponsor of this important project, with a number of our members and leaders serving as jurors and steering committee members. After two years of dedicated organizing, we are excited to officially announce the launch of the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and […]
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January 26, Online Launch of the People’s Academy of International Law
Please join us for the webinar launch of… The Monique and Roland Weyl PEOPLE’S ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Thursday, January 26 1 pm UTC (5 am PT, 8 am ET, 2 pm CET, 10 pm JST) Register to attend: https://bit.ly/peoplesintlaw International law is in crisis. For too long, reactionary forces have tried to strip progressive […]
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UN Office of High Commissioner issues report on systemic racism in policing, calls for meaningful change
On June 8, 2020, the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown and Philando Castile, together with more than 600 rights groups, petitioned the UN Human Rights Council to convene a special session to appoint a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the on-going crisis of police violence and systemic racism in policing resulting in […]
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April 27 PRESS CONFERENCE: International Commission of Legal Experts Release Report on Racist Police Violence in the US
Finds US Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and Other Violations of International Law Event: Press conference for launch of the Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the United States When: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 12 pm Eastern time (9 am Pacific) Where: Watch the livestream: https://www.facebook.com/internationalcommissionofinquiry […]
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George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Tamir Rice, many more: This week’s hearings at the International Commission of Inquiry
Please join us this morning, Monday, January 25 at the online hearings of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S. to hear testimony from attorneys and a family member during the hearings for the George Floyd case and the Jacob Blake case. George Floyd’s murder captured the attention […]
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